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Tutorial: Avid NEXIS | PRO With axle Starter Media Management

Art of the Cut author 史蒂夫Hullfish demos how to use axle Starter for media management and metadata-enhanced proxy screening with Avid NEXIS | PRO.

While producing this tutorial I've been on location editing with Avid Media Composer and an Avid NEXIS | PRO set up in a trailer on the set. And I've editing from my apartment near set with multiple Media Composer systems set up, which means I can be editing while the other systems are handling assistant editor work and things like ingest and transcoding. Since the system doesn't require a lot of IT or infrastructure, I’ve able to handle moving it from place to place and set up myself, 我不是一个技术人员.


本教程是关于Avid的新合作伙伴axis. Axle is a very cool media management workflow company that has created a powerful and simple new system that is currently being shipped with the Avid NEXIS | PRO and the new Pro Team bundles that include the NEXIS | PRO. 你所处的体系 Avid NEXIS | PRO 称为轴起动器. 你可以升级或者购买更大的, 更健壮的, 功能齐全的系统, 但我对它的能力印象深刻.

这是它的工作方式. 假设你想要一个客户, 或者制作人, or an assistant to have remote access to the media inside your Avid NEXIS | PRO 或者在任何驱动器上都可以查看文件, 管理它们, 向它们添加元数据, 然后就录像的事跟你联系.

这就是axle Starter的作用. People could even use a smartphone or an iPad to be able to screen proxy media on your Avid NEXIS | PRO,并向代理添加元数据. The more powerful versions of axle even allow you to do downloads and uploads of media over the system from remote locations. All of this client-side interaction is done through a simple browser interface. These remote users do not have direct access to the media on the Avid NEXIS | PRO. They're looking at proxies on the axle server, so your original media is safe. 我们专注于 Avid NEXIS | PRO 在这个视频中, but axle can catalog and provide previews of all kinds of media, 随机的照片, video, audio.


它有一个非常简单的UI. 它允许您完全自定义元数据, 你想要什么都行, 然而,你想要的东西是可搜索的. 元数据输入后, your users can search that media basically as if you were using Google on the internet--a very flexible and powerful elastic search capability that gives both a quick, simple search or a very detailed complex set of search parameters. Basically, axle indexes a media file location, like the workspaces in Avid NEXIS | PRO, and turns them into searchable catalogs that you can navigate through a web browser. 没有客户端软件. 这是怎么回事?? First, you need a Quad-Core Mac with at least 8 gigs of RAM, and Yosemite or better is the OS.

This is great because you've probably upgraded one of your old editing systems, and you might have one of these old cheese-grater Macs lying around anyway. 如果没有,你可以很便宜地买到. axis甚至可以在Mac mini上运行. 这将是你的轴服务器. You really don't want anything else being done on this axle server. 轴服务器需要连接到你的 Avid NEXIS | PRO, and also to the internet so it can connect to outside users. 最好是硬件连接,而不是WiFi. The software you need is on this cute, little USB thumb drive from axle. 只要把它放在你想用作服务器的电脑上就行了. You'll have to download and run Java from Oracle's website first, just on the server.

然后运行安装轴. 需要重新启动. When you reboot, there'll be a little A logo on your desktop. Double-click that, and on your initial install, it'll ask you to create a user name and a password. 它会提供你电脑的Mac地址, which you use to send to axle to get the individualized license for your system. You'll also be prompted to enter the path to the drive you want to start using as your first catalog. Being in Safari is helpful because it allows you to drag and drop locations from the finder into the text window for the file path name to automatically enter it.

Power users can also get the path name from terminal, but that's a little bit above my pay grade. 就像我说的,我不懂技术. Once you've created your first catalog, and by catalog think drive location. 可以从任何文件夹制作目录, 或者任何驱动器, 它让你看到, 和管理, 并且可以接触到那个地方的所有媒体.

The Avid NEXIS | PRO has all the features that Avid's big NEXIS shared storage solutions have, but scaled down for producers with smaller shops but the same need for reliability and sharing functionality that makes NEXIS popular with bigger studios.
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